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Using Rootstock Public Nodes (Mainnet & Testnet)

RootstockLabs currently provides two public nodes that you can use for testing purposes, and you will find that information below.

Alternatively, follow the installation instructions, to run your own Rootstock node or use an alternative node provider. This is highly recommended for production environments, and in accordance with the bitcoiners' maxim: Don't trust. Verify.

RPC Node Providers

The Rootstock public nodes do not expose WebSockets, they are HTTP only. To work around this, you may either run your own Rootstock node, or use the Rootstock RPC API or use a third-party node provider, such as Getblock, NowNodes, dRPC or Blast API.



Supported JSON RPC methods​

List of supported JSON-RPC methods for each module can be found in the JSON-RPC documentation.

Using cURL​

Here's an example request using cURL to get the Mainnet block number:

"Content-Type: application/json"

curl \
-X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_blockNumber","params":[],"id":1}'
Last updated on by Wisdom Nwokocha